Welford on Avon School Local Offer
How We Meet Our Children’s Needs
Welford on Avon School is an inclusive school where every child is recognised as an individual with needs and aspirations. We are committed to early identification, delivering targeted learning for all and ensuring that all pupils achieve their potential; personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, physical ability or educational need.
At some point during their school life children may need additional help. Our first level of support will be our skilled class teachers, who are best placed to be aware of the needs of the child, planning activities, offering learning strategies, preparing timetables, delivering high quality lessons while continually assessing to enable children to progress and succeed. The SENco team and teaching staff respond to children’s needs by using a range of carefully matched interventions.
These include:
Intervention |
Social Skills programmes/support including strategies to enhance self-esteem |
Access to a supportive environment – IT facilities/equipment/resources (inc. preparation) |
Strategies/programmes to support speech and language |
Mentoring activities |
Access to strategies/programmes to support Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy needs |
Strategies to reduce anxiety/promote emotional wellbeing (including communication with parents) |
Strategies to support/develop literacy inc. reading |
Strategies to support modify behaviour |
Strategies to support/develop mathematics |
Provision to facilitate/support access to the curriculum |
Strategies/support to develop independent learning |
Support/supervision at unstructured times of the day including personal care |
Planning and assessment |
Liaison/Communication with Professionals/Parents, attendance at meetings and preparation of reports |
Access to Medical Interventions |
Occasionally, a child in school may have more defined additional needs including
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognitive and Learning
- Behavioural, Emotionally and Social Development
- Sensory and/or Physical
For children with additional needs it is essential to work closely with the child’s parents/ carers and where appropriate seek the views of the child. Through discussions with parents/carers/children at termly meetings, barriers to learning are identified and targeted interventions are agreed.
Provision may involve seeking the advice of external partnerships to help identify appropriate additional support.
Welford is supported by a number of external agencies, when required. These include:
- Educational Psychologists (EP)
- Speech and Language Therapists (SALT)
- Integrated Disability Services (IDS)
- Early Intervention Service (EIS)
- Round Oak Specialist Support Services
- Family Information Services (FIS)
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
- Counselling Services –Lifespace, Mind, Relate, Hospice
- School Nurse
- Occupational Health and Physiotherapy
- Complex Needs Team
- CAF Officer
These services support and enable us to secure additional expertise.
For children with complex SEND, the frequency of such provision may result in the school applying for additional funding to support a child. Children with more pronounced needs have support in line with their Statement of Additional Learning Needs or their Education, Health and Care Plan.
SENCo Lead - Julie Leeman -