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Welford-on-Avon Primary School

What Have We Been Learning?

This Summer term we will be exploring the amazing world of dinosaurs and mini-beasts in terms of history, geography and science.  We are looking forward to our trip to All Things Wild where we will be engaging with two workshops focusing on fossils and mini-beast hunting.

Our reading and writing skills are now well developed and we will be really focusing on improving our letter formation, working towards our first school handwriting certificates.

In Maths we are starting to work with numbers beyond 20 and are consolidating our understanding of early number bonds and foundational problem solving.

The latter part of the Summer term will see us exploring people who help us and superheroes ~ superheroes don't need to wear a cape! We will be exploring the Super Tato series of books by Sue Hendra and look forward to exploring some scientific principles including gravity, floating and sinking and changing states of matter as we see if your superhero can fly, swim or make it across the cornflour quick sand!

Our full Summer term curriculum is available to review on the class page.