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Welford-on-Avon Primary School


Welcome to Reception!

We start our journey through 'big school' with a wonderful year when we transition from Nursery education, through the Foundation Framework towards the National Curriculum in Year 1.  We pride ourselves on the high quality delivery of this vital Foundation stage of learning where children will learn skills, know more and remember more to enhance their progress.  We do this through experience, highly skilled practitioners, well planned play activities that enhance learning and the embedding of our phonics programme exciting children as they begin their exploration developing reading skills.

There are 3 prime areas of learning: Communication & Language; Personal, Social & Emotional Development and Physical Development.

These are enhanced by the specific areas of learning: Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the World and Expressive Arts & Design.

All areas of the Foundation Framework listed above are an integral part of the immersive learning in our Reception classroom.   We have not only our indoor classroom at our disposal but also a covered veranda area and our outdoor classroom which has undergone a recent refurbishment programme.  The children have plenty of exciting space to explore their learning and also take advantage of the larger school facilities such as our Sports hall for PE and assemblies and lunches in our dining hall.

I am delighted to be leading the team this year and warmly welcome you to visit us. Please contact the school office to make an appointment.

Kindest regards, 

Ms. L. Cox