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Welford-on-Avon Primary School

Online Safety

At Welford on Avon Primary School we take the issue of e-safety very seriously.

The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils are safe when using the internet and other computer devices. We have developed an e-safety policy which can be viewed on this website. There are links to other websites where you can find information about protecting your children online.

All pupils and parents agree to the Acceptable Use agreement and are taught what to do if anything concerns them when they are online.

The children have regular lessons about the importance of  e-safety and know to discuss any worries with an adult. There is a 'worry box' in the computer room where children can anonymously report any concerns they may have.

Online safety is aimed at raising awareness within the school and local community and aims to provide children, staff and parents with the appropriate knowledge and facilities to cope with the risks associated when using online and digital technologies.

The Online safety coordinator has the responsibility to ensure that the schools policies are updated.

It is necessary to review four main areas :

  • Policy and Leadership
  • Infrastructure
  • Education
  • Standard and Inspection

New policies have been created to ensure that Welford on Avon Primary School has taken the appropriate steps to ensure that the use of technology both within school and outside of school is undertaken with consideration of its impact on children, staff and community members.

Promotion and education of Online Safety will be ongoing in consideration of the ever changing digital world. New technologies will offer pupils the chance to enhance their learning but staff must also educate children in how to use these technologies safely and the risks associated with them.

Regular Online safety meetings (with the Online safety committee) are held to gain a greater perspective of how the pupils use digital technologies and what we can do to support their use safely.

It is also necessary to consider the wider community and how we can educate and support them in raising their awareness to the importance and risks of digital technologies.

Children must be made aware of the correct procedures when encountering malicious and offensive messages and websites. It is also necessary to offer parents ways to ensure that children are able to use digital technologies safely.