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Welford-on-Avon Primary School

Parent Involvement

Parents are always welcome to see any member of staff to discuss their child’s progress or any other aspect of their child’s life in School. Staff are normally available after a school day, so if you would like to make an appointment they will be only too pleased to meet with you. 

There are also ‘special evenings’ when parents are invited in to discuss their child’s progress during the course of the year and we hold an annual ‘Open Day’ for parents to view the work and activities undertaken by their child.

We ask that if you have a problem you should, in the first instance, see the Classteacher – taking care to try to avoid first thing in the morning which is an extremely busy time for teachers as they prepare for teaching your child on that day. If the matter is urgent, please see the office staff who will arrange for you to see the Headteacher.

Parent Volunteers

Parents are welcomed into school to help in the classroom. Close links between parents and school is valued. Any parent wishing to help within school will have to be DBS checked in line with national guidelines. Parent helpers will also be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement before commencing assistance at the School.  As part of the schools safeguarding procedures, all volunteers must sign in upon arrival, wear a visitors badge and switch off mobile phones.  Please wait in the office area until a member of staff escorts you to the classroom.