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Welford-on-Avon Primary School

RISE & Welcome to the Recovery and Wellbeing Academy


Please follow the link below to Warwickshire RISE website.

They provide early support, information and guidance on many emerging mental health issues to children, young people, parents and carers. They can offer:

    • Consultations with a clinician
    • training
    • Themed coffee mornings focusing on areas of requested support.

If you would like to know more, please email rise

Welcome to the Recovery and Wellbeing Academy

‘The Academy offers a wide range of courses and workshops designed to empower your mental health and wellbeing provided by a number of Partner organisations working together. Courses are delivered face to face and online via Zoom. All Academy courses and workshops are completely FREE OF CHARGE and open to anyone over the age of 18 living in Coventry and Warwickshire who wants to better manage or understand their mental health and wellbeing. Friends, family, staff, and carers are encouraged to attend as we strongly believe in learning together to get the most out of the courses on offer.’