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Welford-on-Avon Primary School

New Reception Parents

Welcome to Welford on Avon Primary School. We are delighted that you have chosen our school, at which to start your child’s full time education.

We know that starting school is a major step for both you and your child. We therefore aim to make the transition from home or nursery to school as smooth and pleasant as possible. With this in mind our first priority is to provide a happy and secure atmosphere where individual needs and potential are recognised.

Your child’s first few terms in school, play a crucial part in forming positive attitudes and relationships. It is important that good relationships between home and school, parents and teachers are quickly developed and maintained. By joining us and making a partnership between home and school, you will be supporting your child with their education at Welford on Avon Primary School.

This booklet provides you with the information you need leading up to your child starting school. During your child’s first half term at school, we invite you to a follow-up parents’ meeting to explain how you can help with your child’s progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.