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Welford-on-Avon Primary School


We aim to foster positive community links for the benefit of all.

Children do best when both the school and home are working together. We actively encourage parents to understand and participate in their child’s learning.

  • Induction and Open evenings,
  • Parent Meetings at several points of the year,
  • Annual Reports and an open door policy mean parents can discuss their child's progress at any time and are kept informed about their child's achievements at school.

Close links between parents and school are valued highly.

We have an active Parents’ Council in which parents’ representatives can come together to share ideas and put forward their views. Parent volunteers are invited into the school to help in the classroom.

Friends of Welford (FOWS)

We are also very fortunate to have a committed group of parent volunteers, the Friends of Welford School (FOWS) raising funds for the school and working directly with our staff to foster a caring environment in which the children thrive.

Links with the local community

Our school is at the heart of a vibrant, close-knit local community and we enjoy an excellent relationship with all of the children and families in our local villages. We constantly look for opportunities for the children to make a positive contribution to the community. Being located in a small rural village, we believe the school has a key role to play within the community and pupils regularly get involved with local events. Pupils at Welford have developed strong links with the Welford History Society and ‘Nosh and Natter’, a community group set up to help local retired people. Each year pupils contribute to the local remembrance service and regularly get involved in supporting local and national charity campaigns. We have recently started a Parent and Toddlers group in the school, much needed after our recent lockdowns. We also hold our traditional Maypole Dancing event every year on the village green which the whole community enjoy.

We have always believed that success comes through effective collaboration, with parents, with the local community and with other schools. We are currently involved in several exciting projects with other local schools, including a primary to secondary transition project and a programme for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils run in conjunction with Kings High. The school is also linked to local secondary schools, who promotes Science in primary schools.  All of these opportunities add to the depth of our collective skills and increase the range of experiences we can give to our children.