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Welford-on-Avon Primary School

Physical Education

Physical Education

Welford on Avon has always strived to exceed in all areas of the curriculum, including PE. PE is a great chance for all pupils to work on their fundamental movement skills as well as tactics, teamwork and understanding about their own fitness and health.


Our vision is to inspire pupils to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. This should be done by providing a safe, inclusive and expert programme of PE & sport. It should look to inspire the next generation of children to reach their full potential by providing them with the skills needed to improve their personal performance.


To implement the following intent, Welford on Avon Primary school provides children with 2 PE lessons a week. Teachers are provided with the resources that are necessary to provide:

  • Lessons that carefully allow all children to experience a wide variety of sports
  • Lessons that look to challenge all pupils in the lesson and our differentiated to meet all pupils needs and styles
  • Allow children to show expression and creativity
  • Encourage children to be active and take an ownership of their lifestyle

Children are regularly assessed in PE and this is through a range of formative and summative assessment


Our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children at Welford, not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines PE promotes. Within our lessons, children are taught about self-discipline and that to be successful you need to take ownership and responsibility of their own health and fitness. Our impact is therefore to motivate children to utilise these underpinning skills in an independent and effective way in order to live happy and healthy lives.

Foundation Stage

In the Foundation Stage we encourage the physical development of our children in both nursery and reception class as an integral part of their work. In addition to this, fine motor skills are constantly being developed through the range of activities provided in the classroom. The children also benefit from their own outdoor play area and a selection of P.E. equipment to help develop their gross motor skills, coordination and control. The time spent in this area is used to build upon and reinforce the skills practised in the curriculum lessons. The Physical Education curriculum within the foundation unit follows objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals. The children gain the basic skills of spatial awareness, control and co-ordination in the way they move; and control of balls, bean bags, hoops and ropes. The children are given opportunities to explore and manipulate a range of P.E. equipment in their own ways to build the confidence to participate.


A wide range of extracurricular activities are available ensuring there is the opportunity for all pupils to enjoy the weekly recommended 5 hours of P.E./sport per week. These clubs/sports are signposted in school and on the school website and are ongoing throughout the year. Outside agencies and professional sports coaches are welcomed into the school to work with children both in curriculum time and after school.


Activities that are catered for over the academic year include:

  • Football
  • Netball
  • Athletics
  • Cricket
  • Rounders
  • Tag Rugby
  • Maypole Dancing