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Welford-on-Avon Primary School


Welford on Avon Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and expects all parents, staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We expect that everyone working within the school will create an environment in which all children and adults have an equal right to protection regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual identity or culture. We require all adults to maintain an open mind and an attitude of ‘It could happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned. When concerned about the welfare of a child, staff members should always act in the interests of the child. We, therefore, have to ensure that this expectation becomes reality and in order to achieve this, have identified the relevant policies to achieve this.

Related safeguarding portfolio policies

Staff Behaviour Policy (code of conduct)

Physical intervention and the use of reasonable force

Behaviour and Discipline Policy

Personal and intimate care

 Complaints procedure

Anti- Bullying Policy



Attendance Policy

Safer recruitment and Employment

Managing allegations

Complaints and disciplinary

The designated safeguarding leads are:

Mrs Leeman (Headteacher)
Mrs Wretham (Class Teacher)
Mrs Sims (Nursery Teacher)
Mrs Lindsay (Cressview Teacher)
Mrs Burn, Mrs Fawcett, Mrs Burrell and Mrs Stephens  (School Office)
Miss Wilkins - Star Club